Tags & Treasures — April 9, 10 & 11, 2021
Our biennial Tags & Treasures sale was originally slated for April 2020; however, to safeguard against the spread of COVID-19 and ensure the safety of all involved, the Tags & Treasures co-chairs and volunteers met on March 13 to re-schedule the event, which will now be held on April 9, 10 & 11, 2021.
As of early March 2020, the Webb Barn was full of Dames-donated sale items. As the Webb Barn is utilized for many events throughout the year, a group of Dames and friends worked furiously on March 16 & 17 to empty the space of Tags & Treasures items. With the help of NSCDA-CT friends Nick and Anthony; Charbra Adams Jestin, President, NSCDA-CT; Loftus Jestin; Dick Agne; Rich Malley; Pam and Mike Mahoney; Gail Porteus; and Kristen Becher, all items have been safely tucked away in the storage shed in anticipation of April 2021.
Please note: We will not be collecting any further sale items until post-Christmas 2020.