Area 4 Meeting at the Keeler Tavern Museum
On October 25, 2021, Area 4 Dames enjoyed a wonderful event at the Keeler Tavern Museum in Ridgefield, CT. Joshua Campbell Torrance, executive director of the Webb-Deane-Stevens Museum, gave an excellent presentation in the lovely Garden House pavilion overlooking a stunning Walled Garden. There were approximately 20 attendees, including Mary Young who came from a full 60 miles away!
After delicious nibbles and the presentation were enjoyed, the Dames were led on a tour of the textile exhibit in the Carriage Barn on the property. All in all, a delightful day! Many thanks go to Sara Champion who arranged the event and introduced her fellow Dames to the Keeler Tavern Museum’s executive director, Hildi Grob.
Below is a photo gallery of the day’s events, which includes an image of Dame Torrey Cooke standing by a cannonball from the Battle of Ridgefield embedded in the Tavern’s north corner post to this day! The Tavern was bombarded by the attacking British Army on April 27, 1777 during the Battle, which was a significant strategic victory for the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War.
Thank you to Leslie Greene for the above information and photos!